Reconciliation & Healing
with John Kinyon
Fridays, 1-2:30pm PT
Join this safe and supportive space to share life’s challenges and experience healing through the support from John and the group.
Life challenges shared can be personal, work-related, or what's happening on larger societal levels. These sessions support the transformation of conflict, nurture connection, foster healing and a greater sense of wholeness.
During our time together, John demonstrates how to use the Mediate Your Life Approach to transform conflict and challenges and bring healing and wholeness where there was once hurt and divide.
These powerful sessions provide deep healing, invaluable learning and inspiration for all.
Everyone is welcome to participate, and you are also welcome to simply listen and witness. Please invite anyone who you think might be interested and benefit from this community space.
You are welcome to attend for free, and receiving financial support helps John continue to offer this work to the world. You can give per event or monthly, $25 per event is suggested.
See Recording Policy for this event.