Community Healing Space
with John Kinyon
- Weekly -
Fridays, 1-2:30pm PT
This weekly Community Healing Space is a place to gather in community to share life's conflicts and challenges and receive support from John and the group. Each week John guides one or more participants through a healing process of the Mediate Your Life Approach at personal, interpersonal, and social-political levels, while others in the group witness. These sessions facilitate moving experiences and deep shifts for the whole group.
- Periodically -
Group Conversations for Healing Social-Political Divides
Across the Divide is a group conversation around a specific topic. Even in times of division, we can empathically listen and authentically express in a way that creates understanding and connection. The intention is to heal collective and generational pain and trauma at the core of social-ecological conflicts, polarization, and suffering and foster the emergence of new creative possibilities.
- Meet -
John Kinyon
John has been an internationally renowned leader of Nonviolent Communication for over 25 years. He mentored closely with NVC creator, Marshall Rosenberg, for over a decade and was one of his most trusted students.
John has facilitated, trained, coached, and mediated with thousands of people and communities around the world. In the last decade, John has more deeply integrated mindfulness (dual & non-dual) and trauma-healing into his Mediate Your Life approach.
As conflict grows and intensifies in the world — from global to personal and organizational — the Mediate Your Life approach shows us a way to access the power of conflict and transform it into new possibilities and greater wellbeing.