Guiding Yourself Through Conflict

MYL Journey

Being a Guide for Yourself Through Conflict

Do you want to transform yourself through conflicts in your life? Join the MYL Journey and become a guide for yourself using the MYL map of consciousness for navigating conflict. You will gain the confidence and ability to help yourself through the terrains of human challenges and conflict with practical skills based in Nonviolent Communication, mindfulness, and trauma healing.

The MYL Journey consists of three 8-week courses, meeting live once a week with online sessions led by John Kinyon:

→ Transforming Conflict Internally

→ Transforming External Conflict

→ Healing Hurt & Reconciling Divides

This MYL Journey teaches you how to guide yourself through conflict and journey toward healing and wholeness. You will learn the power of the MYL map of consciousness as well as how to use the MYL App for self-practice, fostering connection and deepening your practice with yourself and MYL Community.

The MYL approach is based in Nonviolent Communication, mindfulness, and a mediation framework. It draws from and complements the work of Richard Schwartz's Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Thomas Hubl's individual, collective, and generational trauma healing work.

You can register for one course at a time or immerse yourself in the entire MYL Journey with a bundle savings.

Are you ready for a transformative journey of healing and wholeness?



Healing Hurt and Reconciling Divides
03/04/25 - 04/29/25

Transforming Conflict Internally
05/20/25 - 07/08/25

Transforming External Conflict
08/26/25 - 10/14/25

Healing Hurt and Reconciling Divides
11/04/25 - 12/23/25



Dates TBA


Each course is 8-weeks long
with live weekly sessions on
Tuesdays 11am-1pm PT

Option to bundle all 3 courses and save!


Transforming Conflict Internally

Compassion for Other

Resilience with Feedback

Self-Compassion for the Past

Self-Direction for the Future

Transforming External Conflict

Self-Connection and Wellbeing

Empathy in Speaking and Listening

Peace in Intensity

Freedom with No and Yes

Bridging Differences in difficult conversations

Healing Hurt and Reconciling Divides

Self-Connection and Wellbeing
(when hurt is involved)

Compassion for Other
(when you feel hurt)

Self-Compassion for the Past
(when another feels hurt by you)

Healing Hurt and Divides process



  • Courses are online and taught by John Kinyon.
  • These three courses can be taken in any order.
  • This courses consist of weekly Zoom sessions on Tuesdays from 11am - 1pm PT with practice encouraged between sessions, both using the MYL app as well as with your cohort and community. If you cannot make the live sessions, they will be recorded.
  • The MYL App is a key component to these courses.
  • It is recommended to also have the MYL Guidebook.
  • Recommended Experience
    If you do not have experience with the OFNR (Observation, Feelings, Needs, Requests) communication components from the work of Nonviolent Communication, before the course starts we
    recommend that you:

  • If you have any questions, please email

$299 per Course or bundle all 3 for $799

Download the MYL App


My financial requests are to support my sustainability to continue offering this work that I believe is contributing to a better world. I also want to be inclusive of people who are experiencing less abundance or access to resources, and to support a monetary system based in valuing everyone's needs. So, if the tuition I'm asking is beyond what is sustainable for you, you can email us about giving an amount that is doable with your current access to resources. The more you give, the more you will be supporting this work and the value you receive from the investment you give to it. If you would like to be in conversation with us about this, email
- John Kinyon

“Before NVC and John’s classes, I braced for life’s impact. After, I am trusting and curious, open to outcome. Before, frozen and frightened. After, confident and capable. Before, withered and weak. After, self-acknowledged and compassionate. There is not one part of my life that has not been impacted by nonviolent communication and John’s trainings, all parts touched with the privilege of learning and living these principles. A warmth of gratitude washes across my heart and a sense of sharp joy pricks in my throat as I lean into John’s essence and all he teaches.” - Hope O

“Every time I asked for recommendations for NVC trainers to study with, John Kinyon’s name came up. Having experienced a lot of training with John, I’ve come to see why. He’s the real deal, who has put these skills to work in extreme situations. The Intermediate Course synthesises and practices many self-management skills to bring the spirit of NVC from a theoretical place to an internalized reality that is accessible when under stress or triggers. With those skills available, the course then practices applying those techniques to mediation and coming to agreements in difficult conversations. I highly recommend it, as these are skills that will make it much easier for you to deescalate and turn around conflicts in your life.” - John R

“Working with John has been spiritually transformational. This form of communication is a spiritual language and practicing it with John allows for communication to come from the heart. It gives our souls the language it needs to express itself in a way that allows us to be the loving people we are.” - Kelly H

“Thanks to John's class, I was able to understand how to stay connected despite conflict. Through the practice in the class but also with other students, I could sort out a difficult situation with a close friend. My relationship with my friend is now healed.” - Marie L

“In John’s course, I was able to receive a lot of empathy from people who were enthusiastically learning NVC. Learning these skills helped me to organize my thoughts more and increased my ability to listen in an NVC way. I haven't seen the ‘Healing and Reconciliation’ process anywhere else, and it helped me to support my friend who was in deep pain.” - Mina

“Working with John has enriched my life in ways beyond my expectations: My professional and personal relationships are calmer, more connection-focused and harmonious. One invaluable shift that took place for me on a personal level is that I now have simple but highly effective tools (“conversation maps”) to navigate the inevitable drama and trauma life brings. And as an unexpected bonus, I’ve been delighted to hear my 5-year-old daughter talk about the feelings and needs of herself and others. Sometimes, she even makes requests! It brings me so much joy to witness her growing into a more empathetic and emotionally intelligent person just by observing elements of empathic communication.” - Noemi

“The purpose of a map is to help someone get to where they want to go. But when the terrain is entirely internal, having a map to help guide the way is even more useful. The maps John teaches in his Intermediate Course have not only helped me successfully navigate myself through anger, shame, fear, guilt, and confusion, but also support others through their emotional challenges, deepening the sense of meaning and purpose in my life. If you are interested in living a happier and more easeful life, take this course.” - Simon W

“I feel like I am a better person although I don't always remember to practice the maps. I now recognize instantly when I am hearing something said either by me or by someone else that is not in alignment with empathic communication.  I have used the self connection practice a lot and it has helped me sort through some sticky situations, so thank you!! Overall, I would say that John's work is incredibly healing when practiced regularly. It has the potential to change the world -- literally.  It should be taught in schools.” - Wendy W