Culture & Systems
- Organizations -
Building a Culture of Empathic Connection
John guides a healing process for team and organization culture and systems where there are divisions and ruptures. Transforming conflict is a powerful opportunity to create deeper collaboration and for new, creative possibilities and innovation to emerge. The healing process includes: Assessment, Coaching, Mutual Understanding, Reconciliation, and Agreements, with the option of follow up support. Building a culture of empathic connection is also an opportunity to heal collective societal divides and polarization impacting the organization.
John is particularly drawn to working with people and organizations that in some way support social and ecological health and wellbeing.
The Approach is based in a form of empathic communication called Nonviolent Communication (NVC), an international body of work proven over decades around the world to be powerfully effective and transformational. John's Mediate Your Life approach integrates a mediation framework and levels of mindful awareness and consciousness.
The Process starts with culture assessment and individual conflict coaching sessions with key members. The next phase is mediated conversations between members of the organization where there are frictions, breakdowns of communication or trust, or disconnects. This is followed by subgroup training and conversations facilitated in the structure and process of empathic dialogue. There is ongoing individual and small group training in the Mediate Your Life approach for key leaders, as well as other integration support where needed (regular follow up/check in sessions, progress tracking, continuous improvement initiatives).
The Outcomes
- Transform conflict situations
- Enhance cooperation and collaboration
- Build relational resilience to respond to adversity
- Foster synergy and partnership
- Create new possibilities — emergent solutions and outcomes
- Restore ruptured, fractured relationships
In a Culture of Empathic Connection, You
- Lead through empathic communication and conversation, producing results through conflict transformation.
- Create the understanding, connection, psychological safety, and trust that supports cooperation and synergy.
- Have difficult and healing conversations that catalyze positive change and move the individual, the team, the organization forward into new emergent possibilities.
Need help with conflict?
- Meet Facilitator -
John Kinyon
John is an internationally renowned and respected leader and teacher of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for over 25 years. He studied closely with NVC creator/founder Marshall Rosenberg for over a decade and was one of his most trusted students. John has trained, coached, and mediated with thousands of people around the world. In the last decade, he has focused more deeply on integrating mindfulness (dual and nondual) and trauma healing into his work.
Conflict is growing and intensifying in the world, from global to personal and organizational. John's Mediate Your Life approach gives a way to use the power of conflict to evolve into new possibilities and greater wellbeing.
Need help with conflict?
"John Kinyon is one of our trainers of Nonviolent Communication and someone in whom I have a great deal of trust and confidence. John in my experience has a special gift for facilitating empathic understanding and communication between people. I highly endorse John's skills and abilities with Nonviolent Communication, and I strongly recommend him to anyone needing help resolving a conflict situation."
— Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D., creator of Nonviolent Communication
- Other Services -
- Individual -
One-On-One Sessions
Individual sessions with John are based in the Mediate Your Life approach, and help you navigate any conflict (internal or external) to a place of connection where new possibilities and solutions emerge. In the process you receive skills training and gain access to practical and supportive learning resources.
- Interpersonal & Group -
Reconciliation & Healing of Conflict
John facilitates an MYL-based mediation process between two or more people in personal, community, work and organizational conflicts. The process includes: Orientation, Preparation, Mutual Understanding, Reconciliation, and Agreements sessions, with an option of follow up support. You also receive skills learning and access to practical and supportive learning resources.
In addition to helping with conflict,
I train people how to become a guide for themself and others through conflict