Trainings with John

My training programs equip people with the capacity, skills, and tools to navigate and transform the inevitable storms of conflict. We have the power to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and connection.

Watch what attendees are saying about their experience and the impact it has made on their lives:

Which path meets your needs?

Trainings Infographic

Mediate Your Life Journey

Are you ready for Transformation & Healing in your Life, Relationships, and in the World?

A rotation of three 8-week Courses are starting January 30th

→ Transforming Conflict Internally

→ Transforming External Conflict

→ Healing Hurt & Reconciling Divides

Professional Training Program

Want to help others Mediate Conflicts and Challenges?

Starting February 8th, the Professional Training Program will begin, it consists of two 6-month trainings:

→ Conflict Coaching Training

→ Mediation Training

Learn how to provide conflict coaching and mediation based in Nonviolent Communication and the Mediate Your Life approach.